The Weather
Rome Italy

The Rome Italy Weather Forecast

Want to know what the weather Rome Italy is like? Here you will find todays' current weather in Rome Italy and the Rome Italy weather forecast for the next 5, 10 and 15 days.

Photos of Rome Italy: the city centre

The forecasts for each day include details of wind direction and speed, the probability of thunderstorms, rain and snow, the maximum hours of daylight for each day, the UV index... and more.

And there are hour by hour weather summaries, severe weather predictions (hopefully not something that occurs whilst you are planning to visit Rome!)...

In fact everything you need to plan ahead.

If you are touring Tuscany, the quick links below will also take you to similar detailed weather reports for the cities of Florence, Pisa and Siena.

The wonderful atypical view above of Rome city centre in a haze at the top of this page was taken by alisonhulot.


The Rome Weather Forecast

Click on the top right-hand corner "All 15 Days" link to access the detailed forecasts for Rome the next 1 to 5 days, 6 to 10 days, 11 to 15 days, all 15 days, or just the weekends.



The Climate in Rome

For information about the average high and low temperatures (in Celsius and Fahrenheit) for each month of the year, together with how much rainfall to expect for your visit to this incredible city and Capital of the Kingdom of Italy, visit the Climate in Rome Italy page.



Find the best accommodation in Rome Italy

There are literally thousands of places to stay in Rome: here you will find all of the best rated bed and breakfast accommodation, hotels and vacation rentals (from private houses to apartments) all in one place.


The weather in Florence, Siena and Pisa


The Florence Italy Weather Forecast

Florence Italy photos

Read about the weather in Florence Italy.

This photograph of the River Arno, the Ponte Santa Trinita and the Ponte Vecchio in Firenze (Florence) was taken in September by checcastef from the Ponte alla Carraia.


The Weather in Siena Italy

Siena photos

Read the Siena Italy weather forecast for your visit or stay in the city.

This black and white photograph of a Sienese street in the rain was taken by Tommaso Zannerini.


The Weather in Pisa Italy

Pisa photos: La Certosa di Calci

Check-out the Pisa Italy weather forecast for your trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa - the Torre pendente di Pisa - in the Piazza del Duomo.

The photograph is of La Certosa di Calci - the Calci Chartreuse, situated about ten kilometres from Pisa, and was taken by Ricsen.


Explore some more...

Explore the little known spectacular scenery and beaches of Tuscany that is Maremma, just a ninety minutes drive north along the coast from Rome...



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