Italy Phone Numbers

Italy Phone Numbers in the Italy Phone Directory

Searching for Italy Phone Numbers is thankfully straightforward as both the Italian residential and business telephone directory and the Italian Yellow Pages are available online in English - as well as German, French and Spanish and Italian, of course!

Want to call Italy? Or calling US from Italy? That's simple too.


Residential and Business
Italy Phone Directory


Search in English by surname, company or institution, telephone number, fax number, address, post code, or international telephone code. And for local emergency service numbers, Carabinieri, Tax Police and State Foresters Corps, or Codice Fiscale (Tax) numbers.

This Italy Phone Directory link will take you to the Maremma Guide page with the English version website links for each of the search options.


Italian Yellow Pages - Yellow Pages Italy


Search in English by keywords, company name, advertiser category, product type, or telephone or fax number.

This Yellow Pages Italy link will take you to the Maremma Guide page with the English version website links for each of the search options.


Emergency Telephone Numbers

Numeri di Emergenza

All calls to these numbers are free of charge (chiamata gratuita).






Hospital Ambulance

VIGILI DEL FUOCO - Fire Service 115

EMERGENZA INFANZIA - Gestito da Telefono Azzuro

The Children's Helpline in Italy

114 (available only if calling from a landline)



Public Service Numbers

Numeri di Pubblica Utilità

All calls to these numbers are free of charge (chiamata gratuita).

GUARDIA DI FINANZIA - Pronto Intervento 117
SOCCORSO IN MARE - Capitaneria di Porto G. Costiera 1530
SALUTE PUBBLICA - Communicazione per emergenze per la salute pubblica 1530
SERVIZIO ANTINCENDI - Corpo forestale dello Stato 1515
VIAGGIARE INFORMATI - CCISS traffico e viabilità 1518
POLIZIA PENITENZIARIA - Servizi della Polizia Penitenziaria 1544
ANITVIOLENZA DONNA - Servizio Antiviolenza Donna 1522
EMERGENZA AMBIENTALE - Servizio Emergenze Ambientali 1525



How to Call Italy

Click on this How to call Italy link for very simple instructions whether you are calling Italy from the US or dialling Italy from the UK.


Calling US from Italy

Click on this Calling US from Italy link for very simple instructions with the international dialling code.


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